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News, social events and community updates! Last updated 27th April 2024
Welcome to the Shirenewton Church website

This website provides information on Shirenewton Church including details of its fund raising activities and social events. It also acts as a resource for the local village community. Facebook, Twitter

Around the site

The Church

Welcome to St Thomas a Becket Church - Shirenewton.

Visit these pages for details about Services and information about how to contact the vicar and parish visitors. It's also the right place for information on weddings, baptisms, Confirmation and funerals.

There is also information on the history of the Church, the Church's electoral role and various photos, etc. You can also access old copies of the Parish Magazine.

Links to the Church's social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter

Fund Raising

Fund raising events occur throughout the year. The now mainly dormant fund raising committee still arranges the popular annual 'Call my Bluff wine tasting'. Click above to read more about the Church's fund raising.


We have a section of the website dedicated to community activity. Community events, local societies, historical information and much more. Please check it out.

Other information

Quick links to local traffic information, our fun and family stuff and other interesting sites.

Questions about this site? Hopefully they are answered here.

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